Is your website in danger of disappearing?

Since May, 2015, Google has been rolling out a policy of downgrading websites that are not designed to be 'responsive', ie. they are not optimised for mobile devices.

What this means is that non-responsive sites will, over time, be penalised in Google search results. This has serious implications for many healthcare and pharma websites.

The reason for the shift in polity is that there are now, for the first time, more mobile web users than those accessing the internet from desktop or laptop computers.

Despite this, many sites have only been tested for compatibility with traditional web browsers, and are difficult to navigate on small-screen devices.

Google has thrown down the gauntlet to website owners and developers to ensure sites are multi-device compatible – or face being downgraded. Scroll down below for our easy to use guide to responsive web design, and how to get it right.

Desktop users:

2009 - 1.4 Billion Users

2015 - 1.6 Billion Users

Mobile users:

2009 - 800 Million Users

2015 - 1.9 Billion Users


What exactly is
responsive Design?

One size fits all! There are over 200 common screen sizes that can access the web. Responsive Design is the practice of creating a website that will render differently depending on the size of the screen on which it’s being viewed. Its purpose is to optimise the user experience. Want to see it in action? Just grab the edge of your browser and watch how the content of this page adapts as you change the size of the window.

Is your website responsive?

Your website may look great on your computer, but what happens when you load it onto a smartphone? If users are forced to scroll sideways to view your pages, or can't easily access the Navigation menu, this means it's not responsively designed.

If you're not sure, simply type the full web address (including the 'http://') into the window below, and our Smartphone simulator will show how it behaves on the small screen. Alternatively, follow this link to Google's "mobile-friendly" test.

Enter your URL

Please enter the full URL address e.g

What are the next steps?

Whether it's a website build from the ground up, or a responsive re-design, MedMedia Campaign (MMC) follow the five steps below to ensure the finished product meets – and exceeds – your expectations.

MMC have a skilled in-house team of responsive web designers and developers, supported by colleagues with copy-writing and project management expertise. Working closely with you, we can deliver a dazzling, future-proofed web project, on time and in budget.

Click on the steps below for more info:

We can help

Here are just a few recent examples of fully responsive HTML5-compliant websites we have created and deployed for clients in recent months. For more information or to arrange a no-obligations presentation, feel free to contact us.