
MedMedia Publications titles reach more health professionals than any other publisher in Ireland. With full coverage of general practice, hospital consultants as well as non-consultant doctors, GP trainees, pharmacists, community nurses, registered general nurses and dieticians, we deliver trusted content to well over 50,000 health professionals every month.

  • Forum
  • Forum Clinical Focus
  • Forum Distance Learning
  • World of Irish Nursing and Midwifery
  • Hospital Doctor
  • Cancer Professional
  • ICGP Yearbook
  • Professional Nutrition and Dietetics Review
  • Diabetes Ireland
  • Forum Summer School
  • ICGP Yearbook


Among health professionals, new rules on professional competence mean that there has been a shift among readers away from “news” and medical politics and towards accessing quality clinical and educational material, including accredited CPD. MedMedia Group is the acknowledged leader in this field. No matter what group of health professionals you need to address, MedMedia has the high-quality titles to reach them. Our advertising sales manager Leon Ellison will work closely with you to develop cost-effective advertising and sponsorship options for your target audience which are proven to deliver.

Web Publications

The Internet has sparked the most profound transformation of the written word since the invention of the Gutenberg press half a millennium ago. MedMedia Group were among the earliest in Ireland to respond to the opportunities posed by the digital revolution to healthcare publishing and communications.


    Launched in August 2000, the multi-award winning has grown to be Ireland's most popular consumer health website. It contains some 10 million words in original content and has almost 160,000 registered members and well over a quarter of a million 'unique visitors' every month. The site also operates Ireland's only daily health news service.


    The success of led, in 2006, to the establishment of the hospital review and ratings site, This site has collated the largest database of direct patient feedback on all aspects of the Irish hospital system, with some 30,000 detailed survey forms completed to date. In 2007, it won a United Nations e-health award for innovation and excellence.


    2013 saw the launch of MedMedia Group's long-anticipated health professionals' website. It has, we believe, been worth the wait. Built using the latest HTML5-based responsive web technologies, the site works as well on a smartphone as a PC. It features rich content drawn from our 10 HCP publications, as well as professional databases, sophisticated search tools and engaging and customisable tools and features.